“Have patience …


“Have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart.
…live in the question.”
― Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

I am remiss, I have not kept up my normal habit of getting my post done on Sundays, for that I do apologize to my readers and will make sure to have my posts done on time.

With that being said, let us delve deeper into the world of our own uncertainty. Whether it be with work, love, family, life or anything in between, I want to address our relationship to uncertainty. 

We live in a world of guarantees, promises, insurance, and many other types of “certainty” systems to ease our fears of what might come our way. And the truth is, is that we do a pretty good job of fooling ourselves into thinking that we are safe from life. 

I too am guilty of looking for this control, this safety net that never really existed except in my mind. There will always be a new frontier for us to examine, sometimes this can be of a physical nature and sometimes it can one of emotional or spiritual growth. Whatever you are presented with makes no difference, how you handle all the uncertainty of it is paramount. At any given moment, we are dealing with so many circumstances for which the answer to eludes us. And even when we find this answer, it doesn’t empower us to live our lives any fuller than we have been living. But if we were to stop and see ourselves in the moment of discovery, in that moment when things were not for certain, those moments would be the ones that we would point to as the moments we felt most alive.

Give yourself over to this illusion. Slap it in the face and tell it that it is a lie. You don’t know what tomorrow may hold. You don’t know what treasures and tragedies the next day may bring you. You don’t even know if you will live to meet the next day.

So what is it that you are waiting for???


As always, please comment and like and give any feedback you desire!

With Love, Peace, and Gratitude

Tim Long – The Love Guru

“The greatness …


“The greatness of a man’s power is the measure of his surrender.”
― William Booth

Hello my friends and family!

This week I want to talk about the aspect of surrender. I have gone through so many things recently that have called me to surrender my own knowledge and prowess to much higher knowing. Some of you may call it God, or the Universe, or source or the inner spirit. Whatever title you give to that experience makes no difference, surrendering to that power can be the most ultimate transformation of your life from moment to moment. 

When we face something that seems insurmountable or ridiculously overwhelming, we have in that moment an opportunity to allow the ego to move forward or surrender to the source inside and allow for guidance to surface. 

What I have found is that I have a great deal more peace and fulfillment when I allow space for surrender and guidance rather than trying to figure out on my own what is needed in that present moment. 

So my challenge for you this week is to go out and look at your life. Take a peek and see where you have been trying to force something to happen and haven’t allowed yourself the freedom of surrender. Ask for guidance, expect a miracle and allow life to move around you. The Universe has a wonderful way of surprising even the most skeptical of people and it has definitely surprised me on more than one occasion. I implore you to let go and see what happens. Letting go must not be confused with giving up. I am not saying give up, I am simply saying let go of your illusion of control and allowing for something deeper to guide you. 

Try it on, you may be pleasantly surprised by the outcome…

As always, please leave any comments below!

I love you all and hope to hear from you soon.

Tim Long – The Love Guru

“Listen to the …


“Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me… Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.”
― Shel Silverstein

Ladies and Gentlemen, anything can happen…..Absolutley anything and everything is possible with the right amount of belief and resolve.

How many times have we quit right before the payoff? How many times have we thrown in that towel only to see the person next to us succeed at the same thing?

We have become used to things happening quicker, because of technology and fast transport, we have no more concept of patience. Our lives have to happen at light speed or we think there is something wrong. We use quotes to inspire us and then by the next morning, we are back to the same, disempowered belief because the result wasn’t instant. 

Allow for that slow, wonderful growth. The one that brings forth real fruit, the one that softly cultivates the spirit within our souls. That growth is that one that will sustain our very existence. It will foster a love so pure, we won’t be able to contain the joy it produces. 

This week, take a look at the conversations behind the scenes. The voices in our head that say it won’t happen, that it can’t happen and that I am not strong enough to make it happen. These voices are only true if you let them be true. These voices are only real if you give them that power. 

Start a new voice in your head that says I am able. I am powerful and committed to something bigger than me and it will be so in my life simply because I say so. 

Will you take it on?

Leave a comment in the thread saying what you are going to tackle this week!

Love always

Tim Long – The Love Guru

Far better is i…


“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure…than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”

-Theodore Roosevelt

I will always come back to good Ol’Teddy! Let his rise up and say that we have put our chips down on the table and risked greatly. Let us rise up and say that we have experience the joys and sorrows of our lives with fullness and passion.

My life has been such a wide array of experiences. And the ones that I remember the best are the moments that I had the courage to risk myself and go for the gusto! The moments that have scared me and tested me at my core. Whether the outcome was sad or happy, I learned something amazing in that moment of pure bliss…….those moments are actually when I have lived. The moments I have been present to every, small, tiny, detail and left nothing unnoticed.

Experiencing my own courage reminds me to be more courageous. If you have been timid recently, if you have forgotten the experience of you, then I ask you try a little bit of courage today. The courage to express your love, the courage to stand up for your life, the courage to say no and the courage to say yes.

As far as most of us know, we only get this one life and should be filled with as much happiness as we can stand! And I believe that happiness stems from the courage to go after the things you want!

Go out and be courageous my lovely and peaceful friends!

Tim Long – The Love Guru